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Department of

Torah-Based Business Administration

Welcome to the Department of Business Administration, a place where the timeless wisdom of Torah meets the dynamic challenges of contemporary business and organizational management.  Our mission is to empower you, Torah-observant students, with the knowledge, skills, and ethical framework necessary to excel in the administration of religious establishments, businesses, and non-profit organizations.

Here, you will learn to navigate the complexities of the modern professional world through the prism of both the law of the land and the halachic teachings of the Torah. Our curriculum is designed to equip you with the tools needed not only to bring income to your families, but also to contribute meaningfully to our community through charity and ethical leadership.


Bachelor's in Business Administration

Concentration: Entrepreneurship

Embark on a transformative journey with our comprehensive business degree program! Our curriculum integrates modern business techniques with enduring Torah-based values and practices, providing you with the knowledge and skills to thrive in today’s competitive market. Prepare to become a leader who makes a difference, guided by ethical principles and innovative thinking.

B.A. in Business Administration 

Concentration: Entrepreneurship

Total Credits = 134

NOTE: All undergraduate students are required to take 51 credits of foundational courses in the first three (3) semesters of study. Courses marked with asterisk (*) are eligible for credit transfer from High School or Seminary.


Year 1: Core Courses - 36 credits


1st Semester


ENG101 English Writing and Composition* (3 credits)
GEN101 Principles of Logic (3 credits)
COM101 Oral Presentation Skills (3 credits)
HEB101 Lashon Kodesh/Hebrew Language Alef* (3 credits)
FLG101 Foreign Language Alef* (Spanish, French, German, Russian, or Arabic) (3 credits)

NED101 Principles of Nutrition and Wellness (3 credits)


Total Credits: 18



2nd Semester


COM102 Oral Communications (3 credits)

HEB102 Lashon Kodesh/Hebrew Language Beith* (3 credits)
ADM101 Principles of Business Administration (3 credits)
CST101 Computer Literacy* (3 credits)
FLG102 Foreign Language Beith* (Spanish, French, German, Russian, or Arabic) (3 credits)
JWH101 Jewish History* (3 credits)

Total Credits: 18


Year 2. Core Courses and Specialization - 30 credits 


1st Semester


ADM302 Fundraising for Business (3 credits)
NSH101 Principles of Family Dynamics (3 credits)

EDU201 Teaching Modesty to Children (3 credits) 
FLG201 Foreign Language Gimmel* (Spanish, French, German, Russian, or Arabic) (3 credits)

LAW201 Foundations of Law (3 credits)


Total Credits: 15



2nd Semester


ADM201: Principles of Microeconomics (3 credits)

ADM202: Mathematics and Statistics for Business (3 credits)

ADM203: Start Your Own Business Project Alef (3 credits)

ADM204: Business Communication (3 credits)

ADM205: Creative Thinking and Problem Solving (3 credits)


Total Credits: 15




YEAR 3: Core Business Skills & Torah Integration - 34 credits


1st Semester


ADM301: Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)

ADM302: Financial Accounting (3 credits)​

ADM303: Start Your Own Business Project Beith (3 credits)

ADM304: Hiring and Managing People (3 credits)

ADM305: Practical Marketing: From Idea to Market (3 credits)

ADM306: Jewish Businesses That Went Rogue (1 credit)


Total Credits: 16



2nd Semester


ADM307: Managerial Accounting (3 credits)

ADM308: Business Law (3 credits)

ADM309: Start Your Own Business Project Gimmel (3 credits)

ADM310: Operations Management: People, Places, Money, Things (3 credits)

ADM311: Business Negotiation and Deal-Making (3 credits)


Total Credits: 15





INT301: Internship (3 credits)



YEAR 4: Advanced Business Practices, Innovation, & Community Development  - 34 credits


1st Semester


ADM401: Real Estate Investment and Development (3 credits)

ADM402: International Business (3 credits)

ADM403: Building Wealth and Financial Planning (3 credits)

ADM405: Smart Tax Strategies for Individuals and Organizations (3 credits)

ADM406: Start Your Own Business Project Dalet (3 credits)

ADM407: Parnasa Venues: The Hidden Opportunities (1 credit)


Total Credits: 16


2nd Semester


ADM408: Start Your Own Business Project Hey (3 credits)​

ADM409: Global Marketing (3 credits)

ADM410: Business Strategy and Policy (3 credits)​​

ADM411: Non-Profits and Fundraising (3 credits)

ADM412: Starting a Jewish Community (3 credits)


Total Credits: 15



Summer Session 


INT401 Internship (3 credits)



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