Please, Upload a Copy of Your Government ID (driver's license, school ID, passport):
Emergency Contact Information (Name, Phone Number, Relationship To Applicant):*
What is The Highest Level of Degree You Have Completed?
High School Name and Graduation Year: *
Previous College(s) Attended (if applicable) (Name(s), Dates, Degree(s) Earned):*
Have you taken any Dual Enrollment courses at FHU?*
List any certifications, awards, or special achievements:*
Please list your hobbies, extracurricular activities, or personal interests:*
Upload Recommendation #1:*
Upload Recommendation #2:
Upload Recommendation #3:
Upload High School Transcripts:
How will you be financing your education at FHU?*
Do you have any medical conditions, learning disabilities, or mental health needs that may affect your online learning experience? Please, explain and upload the most recent physical exam form:*
Do you have reliable internet access, laptop or desktop computer, and a dedicated workspace for online learning? If No, how are you plan to handle this challenge during your study?*
Are you familiar with using online learning platforms (Zoom, LMS, etc.)?*
Which Program Level Are You Applying For?*
If Applying for Undergraduate Program, Which Area Of Study Are You Applying For?
If Applying for Graduate Program, Which Area of Study Are You Applying For?
If Applying for Certification Program, Which Area of Study Are You Applying For?
Do you have any prior education and/ or experience in the area of study you are applying for? If so, please, describe.*
Describe any leadership roles or community service activities you have been involved in:*
Have you participated in any youth groups, synagogue activities, or Jewish community programs? If Yes, please, describe.*
Do you require any special accommodations, such as extended test time?*
Why are you interested in Florida Hebrew University?*
PERSONAL ESSAY. Describe what inspired you to pursue your chosen profession. Discuss any personal experiences, role models, or events that influenced this decision and how these factors align with your commitment to Torah (.docx or .pdf format):
By signing this application, I affirm that I am committed to observance of Torah Mitzvot or am in the process of conversion to Orthodox Judaism and will adhere to FHU's halakhic standards, including modesty, shomer negiyah, and the code of speech.