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FHU Dual Enrollment Application

Did you know that you can go to college while you are still in High School, yeshiva or a seminary? 
Yes. You can. This is called Dual Enrollment. 

All you need to do is to fill out an application and submit a statement of purpose.

Please, note that our classes/credits are not transferrable to non-religious colleges/universities.

FHU is a religious university, not accredited by secular organizations.  We accept students from other universities,

however, we do not have reciprocity agreements with other schools yet, as our model is unique and fits the needs

of Torah-observant families whose children would like to obtain a post-secondary degree within a Torah-observant environment.



University Name

This is your Education description. Concisely describe your degree and any other highlights of your studies. Make sure to include relevant skills, accomplishments, and milestones gained. Don’t forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.


University Name

This is your Education description. Concisely describe your degree and any other highlights of your studies. Make sure to include relevant skills, accomplishments, and milestones gained. Don’t forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.


University Name

This is your Education description. Concisely describe your degree and any other highlights of your studies. Make sure to include relevant skills, accomplishments, and milestones gained. Don’t forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.

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