In addition to the technology requirements, Florida Hebrew University has established guidelines to ensure the secure and appropriate use of the internet and email. These guidelines help maintain a safe and productive academic environment.
FHU Mail and Online Access
Internet Usage Guidelines
Academic Use: Internet usage should primarily support academic activities such as attending online classes, conducting research, and accessing course materials.
Appropriate Content: Adhere to the university’s guidelines on appropriate content and usage while online.
Email Communication
University Email: Students will use fhumail.org email and log in through the email server. Upon enrollment, all students will receive their FHU email login details sent to their secondary email. It is mandatory for students to have the secondary email on file for emergency communications, chas v'shalom, as well as for initial communication, receipt of admissions decisions, and email address setup.
Professional Communication: Maintain professionalism in all email communications with faculty, staff, and fellow students.
Device Security and Maintenance
Regular Updates: Ensure all devices, including computers and smartphones, are regularly updated with the latest security patches and software updates.
Backup Solutions: Use cloud storage to regularly back up important academic data and assignments.
Secure Passwords: Use strong, unique passwords for all accounts and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) where possible.
FHU Student Online Account
Password Security: Students are not allowed to share passwords with anyone except parents.
Login Sessions: Only one login session is allowed on one computer at a time. If this rule is not followed, the student account will be blocked for security reasons.
Data Privacy
Personal Information: Protect your personal information and be cautious when sharing any data online.
University Policies: Adhere to the university’s data privacy and security policies.
Online Access
Restricted Access: Students are part of a community where parents prefer restricted Internet access for their children. FHU must comply with these parental guidelines.
Online Research
Research Resources: Only websites providing Torah content from an Orthodox Jewish perspective are permitted for research and quotations.
FHU Online Library: Utilize the FHU Online Library as a resource for research.
Secular Academic Papers: Limited access to relevant secular academic papers is available to students with halakhic rabbinical approval.
Remote Learning Derekh Eretz
Virtual Classroom Behavior: Follow proper etiquette during online classes, including being punctual and participating actively.
Login Time: Students must log in 5 minutes before class begins.
Speech: Students will be asked to put microphones on "mute" setting while others are talking raising a hand to ask a question. If you need to leave the room for a minute or two, you may turn off your video and mute yourself. No use of colloquial/street language or urban slang is permitted.
Safe Environment: Students shall not be in a room where others present are involved in activities that will interrupt or disrupt the class environment and distract the student. Students must be in a safe place.
Stationary Setup: Students are not allowed to log into class while in a car, whether driving or not, or in places where intermittent Internet reception can disrupt the continuity of class material intake. They must be in a stationary, dedicated area with ample lighting and desk space to take notes.
Backgrounds: Use either blurred or no background unless specified otherwise by an instructor.
Dress Code: Maintain modest attire (Tzniut) and format. Hair should be brushed and covered. Married women should wear a scarf or sheitel, and men should wear a kippah.
Acknowledgement and Compliance
Acknowledgement Form: Each student will be asked to submit a signed Email Use and Online Access Acknowledgement form, promising to adhere to the rules of Florida Hebrew University.
Consequences: Breaking the rules will result in disciplinary action and removal from online classes if a gross violation occurs.