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May you and your loved ones be blessed through this donation.

May your heart feel at peace, and may shechina rest on your

home.  May your children live enveloped in Torah mitzvot,

and may your grandchildren bring joy to you and be the

witnesses to your merits. 

May you be healthy in spirit and in body, may abundance

be your lot, and may the words of your mouth be full of 

wisdom and kindness, gladdening the hearts of those who

have an honor being next to you.

May your neshamah realize its full potential in its spiritual 

mission, and may you always remember that Hashem is all around us.  May He open your eyes and heart to his daily miracles, and may your prayers be answered in the right time.

Like the art on the right? Visit the artist's website:

Artist: Marci Wiesel  Web:

Pomegranate Flower Buds

Make Your Donation

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Donate in Memory/Honor Of: (optional)

Your Gift Counts

Whether it's $18 or $18,000,000, your gift is precious to us.  

Each donation carries its unique spiritual DNA, imprinted into the foundation of our university, and your personal energy, BeEzrat Hashem, becomes part of our collective strength in fulfilling Torah mitzvot. 

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